株式会社ヘッドワックスオーガナイゼーション(HEADWAX ORGANIZATION CO., LTD.)、
音楽プロデューサー:INA(hide with Spread Beaver)に師事し、
X JAPAN復活時からマニピュレーター、バンドマスターとして参加していたINAのアシスタントとして経験を積む。
その後、MAVERICK D.C. GROUP傘下のインディーズレコード製作会社、
DANGER CRUE RECORDSにて、アーティストの制作等サポート、若手の育成など、
プロデュース / ディレクター / アレンジ / プログラミング / 作曲等での活動を開始する。
Ichiro Kamiyama, based in Japan, is a musical creator in many aspects, including sound production, arrangement, composition, and programming.
His music career began when he met the music critic Yuichi Hirayama, and later, Hiroshi Matsumoto of HEADWAX ORGANIZATION CO.
He was assistant to the record producer INA (hide with Spread Beaver) during his work as manipulator and bandmaster for post-revival X Japan, and was thus able to study and hone his craft directly at the artist’s recording sites.
Ichiro then went on to create music for various artists and coach industry hopefuls as a music director at DANGER CRUE RECORDS, a label under the umbrella of MAVERICK D.C. GROUP.
Since June of 2019, Ichiro has begun working freelance, and has expanded his focus to include activities overseas.